A Player that achieves a minimum of 600
points qualifies as a Bar Leader

Game Date 01-07-2024

Picture Place Players Name Points

Cons Game 1

1 Robyn Saul 90
2 Jeremy "Enigma" Keefe 72
3 Henry "The Nuts ♣️ 2 Play It" Betsey 63

Cons Game 2

1 Clint Putnam 100
2 Millie Land 80
3 Terry "TC" GorbyJr 70

Cons Game 3

1 Bob "SHREK" White 100
2 Heather Specht 80
3 Millie Land 70

Nightly Points Leader

1 Millie Land 150
2 Clint Putnam 100
3 Bob "SHREK" White 100
4 Robyn Saul 90
5 Heather Specht 80
6 Jeremy "Enigma" Keefe 72
7 Terry "TC" GorbyJr 70
8 Henry "The Nuts ♣️ 2 Play It" Betsey 63